About the Gender Equity Council
The Gender Equity Council serves as a group to guide implementation of initiatives and strategies that improve representation of women in faculty, academic professional, graduate student, and leadership roles at the university. The Council also works to promote local and global gender equity issues across campus, and to assess progress toward campus goals in the area of gender. Gale Summerfield and Kathryn Anthony have agreed to co-chair this important committee.
The concept for the campuswide Gender Equity Council comes from the efforts of the Gender Equity Planning Team during 2006-07 and the work of the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women over several years. The Council combines and extends the efforts of these two important groups in its work, guiding implementation of new initiatives and strategies to address local equity and diversity issues that promote excellence in higher education at Illinois and also progress outward to engage issues that influence education and well-being of women and men throughout the world.
Committee Members
Ollie Watts Davis (Co-chair) |
Ann Nardulli (Co-chair) |
Jennifer Bernhard |
Katherine Galvin |
Mona Heath |
Robin Jarrett |
Sarah Lubienski |
Menah Pratt-Clarke | |
Richard Rodriguez |
Cindy Williams |
Lori Williamson |
Steven Zimmerman |